From Our Customers

"Matt is a great Audiologist. He listens and provides calming assurance. While away in Mexico my sons ear drum ruptured. Matt was calming and knowledgeable at a very scary time. He provided support so that I felt we were being taken care of by someone we trusted. We followed up with him on our return and my sons hearing has been 100% returned. My son loves seeing Matt because of both his awesome skill set, but also his ability to interact with parents and kids alike! Would highly recommend Matt for any hearing needs."

Heather, Facebook 

Matt Campbell is definitely dedicated! He has always gone out of his way to care for my Mother. Over the many years my Mother, Judy Porterfield has been going to Matt we couldn’t have been more pleased. Not only did he make sure Momma had the perfect hearing aids for her, he was caring and made sure she had a comfortable and worry-free experience. She was very anxious and claustrophobic, not a problem. He calmly talked her through it. She actually looked forward to her appointments with him. She’s 89 yrs old. When we had issues with her hearing aids (self-inflicted) he would go that extra mile to get them back to her quickly. Her quality of life was as important to him as it was to our family. Our family highly recommends Matt Campbell to anyone who needs or already has hearing aids. He cares! 

Carol, Facebook